Overview ERC20


Total Supply:
3.11 JLP

Profile Summary
C-Chain (43114)

Txn Hash
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
1.0315523136578744 JLP
846 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
1.0315523136578744 JLP
846 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
4.1262092546314975 JLP
846 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.000277281282053882 JLP
846 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
4.1262092546314975 JLP
846 days 1 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
8.252418509262995 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.001082586008414641 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
8.252418509262995 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
5.501612339508664 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.003030237520912151 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
5.501612339508664 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
7.335483119344884 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.002002738711216243 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
7.335483119344884 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
9.780644159126513 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
9.780644159126513 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
13.04085887883535 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.006570589396603957 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
13.04085887883535 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
1.20 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
1.20 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
17.787811838447134 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
17.787811838447134 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
23.717082451262844 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
0.006680716414793513 JLP
846 days 2 hrs ago