Stick(wo)MEN #

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O /|\ / \ Stick(wo)MEN - Which one is your favourite? Or what is your level? Hi, I’m “EvE”. Nice to meet you. I’m known to be the first woman that ever walked the earth. Many have drawn and painted me in the past. I’m very famous and I look gender neutral right? Yeah, I have an incredible resemblance to #01StickMEN - LvL 01 - aka “Stick Figure”, but I don't care. He and I are friends. People also call me “Stick(wo)man” or “Stick figur(in)e”. I’m the beginning of perhaps every artist's career. Less is more right? Can’t help it to be the most popular one. Everybody in the world knows me! And many in the world copy me because they are able to. So in a way, I help others. To be honest, I can’t be recognized as being a lady yet... but he, we’re all humans right. That’s what counts. This is the -NFT- of a digital and genuine artwork by Cédric Debled. Hand-drawn in Procreate. 4268 × 4268 pixels.
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