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Season 2 Starter Pack

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This image was made for a story called "Sorrow on the Mountain" in National Geographic Magazine in 2014. Mingma Sherpa walking through the fog on the edge of the village of Phortse in the Khumbu region of Nepal. At the base of Taboche Peak this village is famous for being home to over 100 Everest guides and their families. This was a special story for me spanning 90 days on assignment, over 3 trips and 16 months, living with the Sherpa community and traveling the Khumbu with them. While I photographed the high altitude guiding the Sherpas were famous for, I spent most of my time in the villages living with families and photographing daily life, culture, and spirituality away from the Everest Circus. These more poetic images of quiet moments were the heart of these stories.
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